
About Guardian Legal Consultants

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Guardian Legal Consultants is a firm specializing in business law and commercial/civil litigation. Guardian strives to move beyond the traditional model of providing legal services, in order to better serve client demands. In today’s fast-paced and demanding global economy, the legal industry continues to be plagued by archaic processes and is unreceptive to change.

Guardian seeks to highlight the importance of innovating and adapting to dynamic client needs by utilizing an evolved approach to providing legal services – one that is similar to streamlined, efficient, and innovative start-ups. This approach includes a responsible corporate philosophy, technological applications that increase efficiency, unique and flexible pricing structures, and collaborative problem solving tactics. By applying this approach to serving clients, Guardians begin to carry many of the characteristics of a strategy consultant who works with the client every step of the way. In short, we aim to help our clients in every – sense of the word.


How Guardians are Different from Traditional Law Firms:

  1. Flexible pricing strategies, including the potential for incorporating fixed prices for certain types of legal work.
  2. Ease of communication, with open-door policies that clients can use to call us without having to worry about constant incremental billing over quick and simple questions and conversations to be had with their lawyers.
  3. Utilizing technology with 2 respects: (i) to make communication with clients easier, be it video chat meetings through platforms such as Skype; and (ii) using technology to keep costs lower, including digitizing documents where possible and encouraging as much electronic transmission of documents as possible.
  4. Collaboration and teamwork, rather than separation and division. Too often lawyers take tasks individually and offer their opinions and strategies without working together to ensure that the best possible advice and course of action is given to a client. Guardians eschew teamwork by constantly discussing the legal issues and questioning one another to ensure the best possible solution is offered. The office layout is conducive to collaboration, as a shared/open-office space, as opposed to individualized offices.

Clear, Simple Communication is Important

Essentially, we are not in the business of charging for every single question or conversation a client may have. We want to have an open, positive relationship and dialogue that encourages a client to want to call us to discuss their issues and not having to think, “how much is this simple conversation with the lawyer going to cost me?”

Furthermore, Guardians are easy to talk to and try to make conversations both casual and simple to understand. We don’t talk to our clients in ‘legalese.’ Clear, simple communication between a lawyer and a client is a pinnacle of who we are as a law firm.